Mar 6, 2015



I am exactly almost three weeks old now in my newly discovered life after I relocated to my rural home in Machakos and I am already regretting why I hadn’t moved here sooner! Currently on top of my to-do list is to try and find a nice camera to capture the absolutely beautiful birds, and how the grass makes my beat down Reebok shoes look epic during my morning run. This is after I find enough money to install Wi fi sooner more than anything else.
My almost one month of staying in Macha has brought many things under my radar; some which I hadn’t been aware about before and others that I knew but not with this current conviction. As a child and adolescent, I saw my parents go through a lot in order to cater for our livelihoods. When I became a little older, I came to appreciate their struggle but at the same time, after interacting far and wide, learned that our lives could have been a bit different and a lot better with a bit of proper planning and a few adjustments.
For an average family existing in Nairobi or as is the case with most urban centers in the country, their biggest budgeting goes towards rent, transport and food (Lets use this as our hypothesis, omitting rather tertiary expenses such as college fee etcetera) every end of the month, almost 80% of the entire monthly income caters for the three; if to say this family saves or invests 20% and lives within its standard of living- which again is a rare occurrence. A life lived under this formula means you will need many years if not decades to achieve financial independence. It simply means everyone else is using your money but yourself. In a diagram, it would be something like: Every month you are paid > Every month you pay your landlord/lady, transport, food > Every month you are broke which just about enough money for the next payment cycle.
During this time I have been in Machakos, I have many unresolved issues to worry about that have other names less traumatizing than rent, traffic trouble and unending food expenses. If you are caught up in this trap and you are looking for a way to financial independence, which only is achieved through savings and investment, I suggest you begin thinking seriously about where your money is going to at the end of every month. I do not want to go into detail on this topic as you may not be accustomed to reading finance on this blog; you may want to read another blog I write for in case you want more finance insights. Anyway here is a simple plan and a few steps I have outlined which you can begin to implement in order to position yourself on the road to financial independence:

1.      Living within your standards of living

 Do not try to impress friends or anyone else with things you are incapable of maintaining.

2.      A change in lifestyle

Check for areas where you are being extravagant and make adjustments.

3.      Pay yourself

For every fixed income that you receive, deduct a reasonable amount for paying yourself. Could be 5% or 10% or whatever the case is.
4.      Save/Invest

Save or invest at least 10% of your total monthly income for starters.

5.      Give

It’s true; blessed is the hand that gives. Decide on a percentage of your income that will go towards helping the needy. Remember you only give only up to the extent you are capable. I strongly suggest that you personally deliver your offering to people you are certain are in need of the help.

//Thanks for stopping by, And all the best!